Main Organizers
Enterprise Europe Network / IHK Erfurt
Eva-Maria Nowak
IMPORTANT: Due to technical problems in the digital accessibility of the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce, we have not been able to receive any e-mails from you since August 3. From now on, please use the following e-mail address for messages to the main organizers of this event and for all other messages to the EEN partner CCI Erfurt/IHK Erfurt:
If you have already sent e-mails to us since August 3, please send them again to the named new address. Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards,
Eva-Maria Nowak and Judith Ciecka
CEC/CCIC - Conselho Empresarial do Centro / Câmara de Comércio e Indústria do Centro
CEC/CCIC - EEN Portugal
"Free Entrepreneurship" Association
Paweł Gruszkowski
Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Jan Vaclav
Stowarzyszenie Grupy Przedsiębiorców Przemysłu Lotniczego Dolina Lotnicza
Adrian Huta
Regional Development Agency Bucuresti-Ilfov
Ioan Ciuperca
Fundacja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości
Krzysztof Kucharski
AIDA CCI - Câmara de Comércio e Indústria do Distrito de Aveiro
Deolinda Costa
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
Vanja Bele
Industrie und Handelskammer Hochrhein-Bodensee
Lena Gatz
FFG - Austrian Research Promotion Agency
Thomas Röblreiter
ANI - Agência Nacional de Inovação S.A.
Bibiana Dantas